Posts in France
Paris Again

For our final stop on our European backpacking adventure, Nico and I visit Paris. We meet tour guides, ride bikes, and eat lots of crêpes. This city will always be one of my favorites (I know I say this a lot).

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Spring Break: City 1 of 6 A Day in Paris It’s 5:20am in San Sebastián and Allison and I approach a very concerned looking Stephanie and Hannah. Where is Anastasia? I think. The plan was to be on the 5:30 Euskotrain to Hendaye. Stephanie fills us in, letting us know that the trains don’t start until 6 and that they haven’t been able to get in contact with Anastasia. So this is how we begin the two-week-long Spring break, I think. The train, I figure, won’t be that big of an is

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The French Pyrenees

This weekend I had the amazing opportunity to snowboard in the Pyrenees mountains with three cool guys from USAC. It was my idea to go to the snow but it was easy to get Jarryd and then eventually Peter and John to join in. Pretty sure the name of the town was Germ, France We found a group called Viajes Livingstone that provided transportation, accommodations, two-day lift tickets, and discounted rentals, all for a pretty good price. I borrowed the snow pants from Megan and t

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The day after the cider house visit, Allison and I decided to take a day trip to Hendaye, France. It’s only about 45 minutes by train and costs only 6 euros! The plan originally was to go there to see people practicing a march for Carnival. Traditionally, the Basques were Pagan, so a lot of their culture is centered around nature and the sun. Before modern knowledge about the seasons was established, Basque people thought that around winter time, the earth was dying. This was

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